Channel: Planet Infowars | daylight2557 | Activity
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daylight2557 posted a new activity comment


daylight2557 posted a new activity comment Hey, discussing the president's domestic and foreign policy decisions is fair game. There hasn't been a single president whose policy decisions have avoided public discussion based on skin color. If we can't criticize this president without blow back, it's because far too many of us are not informed about the president's foreign and domestic policy record. NDAA, indefinite detention with no due process, more wars, assassination of American citizens subject to presidential dictate, support of big banks--the very institutions that wrecked the economy, transferred their loses to the American people demanding we foot the bill for their massive loses. We need to stop tip-toeing around discussing anything having to do with Obama because he's perceived as African American. It seems far too many of us have joined some kind of cult, where the leader can't be questioned nor criticized. Criticism of Jim Jones among his followers was also denounced among his blindly obedient flock. Then one day he ordered hundreds of those who followed him to drink cynide-laced Kool-Aid. Only a handful of his followers survived. It's up to us to break the cult mind set about the president by laying out the facts, again and again and again.

In reply to - damanifest posted an update in the group Fake Black Leaders well i gotta start off the first topic of the group with this Mr. Obama. Being an African American I find it hard to have your own thing going and your […]

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